English as a Second Language Students (ESL)

group of students studying

The Placement Process 

To start ESL (English as a Second Language) classes at “大学, all students need to attend an ESL placement appointment. The appointment will take about 2 hours. At the appointment, you will: 

  1. Take the Accuplacer ESL Sentence Meaning test 
  2. Learn more about the ESL classes and 水平s
  3. Talk with an ESL teacher to decide on the best 水平 and classes for you 

After your placement appointment, the next step is to register for classes. 你可以 register any time after your priority registration date.


We offer ESL placements on campus and online via Zoom . You need to fill out the college application and receive W number before you can sign up for an appointment. See the ESL 首页page 了解更多信息.


Spaces are limited, please keep your appointment. If no appointments are available, please check again soon. 新任命的 每周都会增加. 

Please note: If no appointments are available, please check again soon. 新任命的 每周都会增加. 

  • Your 2-hour appointment will be on campus in the assessment center, in Building 700, 714房间一个. 
  • Please arrive 10 minutes early. 
  • Please bring your photo ID. 

Schedule your ESL test appointment on campus

Please note: If no appointments are available, please check again soon. 新任命的 每周都会增加.

重要的: You will need a laptop or desktop computer. 你可以not complete the ESL assessment on your phone or a Chromebook 

To take the ESL assessment via Zoom, you will need:

  • a reliable internet connection 
  • speakers and a microphone 
  • 一个摄像头
  • the ability to use Zoom on your device
  • Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Mac, or Linux
  • if you have an iPad, you must set up the Zoom Mobile App 
  • 重要的: Your device must be set up to accept the remote control feature 
  • a quiet, uninterrupted test space

The online appointments are divided into 2 sessions.  

  1. In the first appointment, you will take the Accuplacer ESL Sentence Meaning test (about 30分钟).  
  2. In the second appointment, you will meet with an ESL teacher to have your self-placement and decide about the 水平 and classes that are best for you (about 1 hour).

In your Zonemail, you will receive an email invitation to a Zoom meeting from us 24 hours prior to your appointment. Please check your inbox carefully. 邮件会来的 from Katrin Field from “大学. 

Sign on to your Zoom meeting five minutes early and please have your picture ID ready. 

Schedule your ESL test appointment on Zoom

If the class seems too difficult, you can move down a 水平 during the add/drop 期 (usually the first 2 weeks of classes). You do not need permission to move down a 水平.  

In the first week of classes, your teacher will give you a diagnostic test. 如果你 think the class is too easy or too hard, speak to your teacher. 经批准 2 ESL teachers on your diagnostic, you can move up a class 水平 during the add/drop 期.

所有大学毕业生.S. high schools have the right to take transfer-水平 English (English 1). Even if you take ESL classes, you can change your mind and enroll in English 1 在任何时候. 

All English language learners have the right to take credit ESL classes. 这意味着 you can enroll in ESL 110A even if your placement test recommendation is Noncredit ESL或成人学校. This is just a recommendation.